Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax hits theaters this Friday, March 2nd! The movie follows the journey of a twelve-year-old boy as he searches for the one thing that could win him the affection of the girl of his dreams. In trying to do so he discovers the story of the Lorax, who is a grumpy yet charming creature fighting to protect his world.
I was lucky enough to screen this much-anticipated movie a couple of weeks ago with my girl. Watching The Lorax with my 4 year old daughter was such a treat because we got into so many conversations about trees, the environment and clean air. Loved how the book comes to life and makes an even greater impact at driving home a much-needed environmental message, while engaging kids with amazing colors, fun songs and quirky moments.
I actually left the movie in a very reflective and contemplative mode. I can´t remember any other family movie that had such an impact on me.
As many of us know, what’s beautiful about this story is that it’s been teaching kids to be environmentally conscious since the book first came out. One of the best parts of being green is how creative and innovative your and your niños can get. So, in honor of that we want to share with you a couple of fun ways to “speak for the trees,” as the Lorax does. Get crafty and check out three of our favorite projects for you and your kids below:
- The igloo made out of milk jugs!
- Flower phone book organizer
- Kids Plastic Bottle Green Craft Creation
You can find these crafts and more on Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Speak for the Trees Pinterest board. Also, check out The Lorax trailer, then scroll down for the giveaway! (P.S.: We also have a The-Cat-in-the-Hat-A-Thon prize pack with a DVD (with Spanish language option, book and more going on here!)
The Giveaway!
This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winner: Perla !
We’re giving away a gift bundle with: The Lorax book in Spanish, a t-shirt, water bottle, lunch bag, seedling, activity sheet , and truffle tree pencils for one lucky winner.
To enter all you have to do is tell us about one “green” thing you do in your home, or want to start doing.
That’s all you have to do to enter this giveaway. If you want to up your chances at winning, then this is how you can get additional entries (only after you’ve completed the step above):
**Please leave a separate comment for each so we can count them and avoid mistakes.
1. Subscribe to receive blog updates and subscriber-only content via email and leave us an extra comment letting us know you did so or that you’re already a subscriber. Make sure to leave the comment using the same email you subscribed with.
2. Follow us on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway including a link to the post http://bit.ly/xe1zNi, @SpanglishBaby and the #TheLorax hashtag. Copy the link to the tweet in an additional comment on the giveaway’s post.
Ex: Visit @SpanglishBaby for a #TheLorax gift bundle giveaway, including a book, lunch bag & more! http://bit.ly/xe1zNi
3. Like SpanglishBaby on Facebook and join a thriving community of parents.
This giveaway ends Wednesday, March 7th at midnight PST and is open to everyone over 18 years of age in the continental U.S. Void where prohibited. No purchase necessary. Check out the Giveaway Rules.
Gracias por el sorteo!!!!! Estoy esperando para ver la Pelicula del Lorax con mi hijita !!!!!!
En mi casa pongo en practica varias cosas para cuidar nuestro ambiente, reciclamos las botellas de agua, y plasticos, uso Bolsas reusables para la Compra de grocerys, y los aparatos electricos que no utilizo siempre estan desconectados. Anteriormente en mi pais coordinaba campanas de reforestacion y plantacion de arboles en comunidades de interes forestal ( soy Ing Forestal y soy consciente del deterioro ambiental que actualmente tenemos en el planeta.
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We have a compost and take all our bottles/cans to the recycle center. That way my daughter can see us recycle and earn some money instead of putting them out at the street.
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Usamos vinagre para limpiar la casa.
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We cloth diaper and love it!!
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Gosh, there’s so many Green things that I do and have been doing for several years now. It’s so important for protecting our Earth and environment, which I truly worry about the future of these…
Anywho, I carry reusable bags everywhere…grocery store, mall, boutiques…everywhere. And when I forget to bring one I ALWAYS make sure to return plastic bags to the plastic bag recycling bins at my local grocery store. Gotta make sure they don’t wind up in our landfills or in our ocean. Anyone heard of the Pacific Garbage Patch?? Google it…it’s practically in our back yard. Very troubling and disturbing.
I am a loyal subscriber. Been with you since the beginning!!! Sorry about my rant in previous comment. The Environment is my cause.
We recycle as much as we can. My town doesn’t have much in the way of recycling facilities, but we take cans/scrap metal. We also use reusable grocery bags and cfl bulbs.
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Awesome giveaway! We recycle and separate recycles ( plastics, aluminum, and paper) It takes an extra step but it teaches my kids that we care about our Earth!
Me and my baby boy pile up all the card board boxes we have and paper good that can be recycled and take it to his school for art projects. This happens every month. We also use eco green products.
We are always striving to be “greener” and have taken steps like using cloth diapers, cloth napkins, and reusable cloth snack bags instead of similar disposable products.
Followed you on Twitter and tweeted… from @MamaGames .
We have been using a steam mop for a while. I love the it’s 100% chemical free for my girls.
En casa nosotros reciclamos los plásticos y también todo lo que sea hecho de papel. Además procuramos comprar productos orgánicos.
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gracias por el sorteo!!! en mi casa reciclamos el plastico,carton,vidrio,ect cuando boy a la super siempre trato de llebar bolsas reusables y asi reciclar gracias; daysi3317@hotmail.com
ya me suscribi a tu blog via emails. daysi3317@hotmail.com
ya te sigo en twitter y mande un tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/daysi3317/status/175003268253102082 daysi3317@hotmail.com
We try to do alot of “Green” things around the house. One thing that I am known for is my “Waste Management” Nothing gets wasted in our house. It is reserved, refurbished, regifted, recycled, renewed, refurbished or reheated..just to name a few things. We never waste food at all…we are especially careful of that. Nothing gets thrown in the garbage. If it cannot be eaten by the humans in the family..which most of it usually is..it travels its way down the food chain. It passes by the dogs, and cats, and on down to the chickens, ducks and geese. If even a scrap in left, like veggie/fruit peels, or coffee grounds etc it is put into the compost pile. Nothing is wasted in our house.
le di like en facebook daysi3317@hotmail.com
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We compost and recycle! And use green cleaning supplies!
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Gracias por el sorteo, en mi casa reciclamos papel, cartón, aluminio y además reutilizo las bolsas de plástico del supermercado.
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Te sigo en Twitter y envié mi tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/Perlaviveros83/status/175011284297846785.
Le di like a tu página de Facebook.
Hi!!! At home we do lots of green things, 1. We use reusable bags, 2. We wash our teeth when we are taking a shower, 3. We recicle paper and plastic, 4. We reuse the plastic bottles and many more.
I’m suscribed via e-mail elida.aguilera@gmail.com
We recycle aluminum cans.
Follow you on Twitter, and here is my tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/SimpleDelicioso/status/175028464817143808
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We recycle paper, glass and plastics. Use reusable grocery bags.
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Gracias por el sorteo,PAra cuidar el ambiente usamos aqui en casa Bolsas reusables para hacer la compra de alimentos,reciclamos botellas de plastico,y ahorramos agua,luz todo en cuanto se pueda,GRAcias!
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I have just recently started my family recycling in our house. I have especially been vigilant about recycling all our cardboard boxes from cereal, kleenex, etc. because I had noticed we were throwing away a lot of that. We’re becoming a green-ER family now!
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We try our best to do what we can at home. We live in a private street with no recycle truck so we take ours to the park every week where they have recycle dumpsters. We never use plastic bags, only reusable. We buy bulk dry foods with our own jars so we don’t use very much in the way of packaged materials. We grow our own veggies
We recycle regularly.
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Thanks for the giveaway, we love Dr. Seuss!
We use reusable shopping bags, try printing on both sides of the paper, we reuse baby wipes containers to store pencils.
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I recycle used envelopes for scratch paper!
Re-useable bags for groceries…plastic bags are so in the past!
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The one “verde” thing I started doing again is re-using bottles (Snapple, Mexican Coca Cola or Gold Peak Tea to name a few) as Flower Vases. yesterday I received one at my dealer when I went to get my oil changed and when we got home, I asked my daughter to choose one of our “clean” bottles and she chose Snapple. It looks lovely in my Kitchen Counter.
Cheers, Ciacito y Hola desde Chicago
Me encanta el sorteo, en mi casa reciclamos el periodico y revistas asi como las bolsas plasticas del supermercado y cuando vamos con mis hijos al parque hacemos tarea comunitaria de limpiar el area de juegos recogiendo la basura que otros sin educacion dejan tirada, les enseño a mis hijos a amar el medio ambiente y a cuidar de el.
We buy products that eco friendly and made from recycled materials whenever possible
Me suscribi a su blog porque me parece muy interesante, gracias por informarnos
We recycle our newspapers and magazines. We also reuse our grocery plastic bags.
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En primer lugar, gracias por este sorteo. En segundo lugar, en casa, reciclamos los materiales como cartón, aluminio, vidrio y papel. Separamos la basura inorgánica de la orgánica y cuando vamos de compras al supermercado utilizamos bolsas de papel, para evitar el uso de las de plástico que tardan miles de años en degradarse. Utilizamos productos biodegradables y ahorramos en el consumo de agua y energía electrica, procuramos utilizar estos recursos racionalmente evitando su derrame y reparando fugas y desconectamos de la corriente los electrodomésticos cuando no los utilizamos.
Estoy suscrita a tu blog vía email: lic_gcampos@hotmail.com
Te sigo por twitter y envie el siguiente tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/lic_gilda/status/175452361962176514
Te sigo por facebbook: Bella Campos
We compost our food scraps; recycle our glass, plastics, and paper; and plant a big garden.
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I am an email subscriber, love this website. THANK YOU!
Being green is a big part of our home, we recycle anything we can. My local trash company provides me with a container for recycle items only, so I put a large bin under my sink so we can put everything that can be recycled to fill that container up throughout the week. I found that almost everything is recyclable, any cardboard box (cereal, oatmeal, soy milk container) almost all plastics, egg cartons, so many items. I just rinse or clean the items. Trash day my recycle container is completely full and my trash bin not even a 1/3. We do lots of green things like, stopped using paper towels and paper napkins, use reusable water bottles, use vinegar to clean, my husband and I try to teach our kids to take care of our earth and not be wasteful it is important to us.
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I use energy saving light bulbs.
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paperless billing, we have separate containers in the house to compliment the garbage containers outside
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We recycle everything possible. I often wash and reuse yogurt containers instead of buying more pyrex/tupperware etc.
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I like Spanglishbaby on Facebook. … We tried to do a bunch of stuff for Dr. Seuss’s birthday and we only have 1 Dr. Seuss book in Spanish so we would love to increase our inventory!
Tweet. http://t.co/CecWOdEh
i try to use rags for spills and then rewash them, and only use paper towels when it’s really gross
We recycle through our city.
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We recycle, donate unneeded items for charity sales, use the library, and have a “green” energy efficient home.
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Separamos y reciclamos basura, sustituimos todos nuestros focos por focos ahorradores de energia.
To save energy, we like to dry our clothes on the line when the weather is nice.
Follower on twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/khmorgan_00/status/176700756802543617
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I want to start a compost
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like on facebook kate turner
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We cloth diapered my youngest, and compost as much as possible.
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We recycle all our aluminum cans
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