Elizabeth Masturzo-Baldeón is a language education specialist who lives with her familia in the suburbs of Washington D.C. She left her teaching job in an elementary school to work at home raising her daughter Sofía- and she couldn’t be happier! You can read about how her familia makes a conscious effort in their daily lives to bring baby up bilingual at her blog, La Mother Tongue.
Wanted: The Perfect Bilingual Nanny
We are lucky to have family in the area who can help out with babysitting when needed. Specifically, we have Spanish-speaking family, la abuela, who helps to care for Sofía. In four years, we have never used a babysitter outside of the family. We try to be a self-sufficient unit. I stopped working my job as a teacher to stay home and care for our daughter, so I try to be careful to not need someone else to watch her.Read More ...
31 Days of Reading in Spanish: ABeCedario de Plantas
Editor’s note: We continue with our 31 Days of Reading in Spanish. Check out the book review below and don’t forget to enter our weekly GIVEAWAY of $100 worth of books in Spanish! BOOK DESCRIPTION/REVIEW ABeCedario de Plantas, one in a series of ABC books available in both Spanish and English, is written by the incredibly talented bilingual author, Yanitzia Canetti. I let my daughter Sofía choose the theme of which Canetti ABC book to purchase. She carefully contemplated each topic: plantas,Read More ...
31 Days of Reading in Spanish: Dita y Dito Van a la Librería
Editor’s note: We continue with our 31 Days of Reading in Spanish. Check out the book review below and don’t forget to enter our weekly GIVEAWAY of $100 worth of books in Spanish! BOOK DESCRIPTION/REVIEW Dita y Dito Van a la Librería is one in a series of books by Maria Gutierrez Serna featuring cute sister and brother piggies, Dita and Dito. We get a giggle out of pigs… so this book is one of our favoritos! In the story,Read More ...
Colorful Fall Art and Science Leaf Activity
When it was forecasted that Huracán Sandy, was eminently going to strike our area, the first thing we did was go out and collect the beautiful fall leaves that colored our barrio. I knew that after the storm, we would be left with few vibrant reminders of fall. Even so, I felt like we needed to add a little more color of fall into our lives. So I reverted to a favorite childhood activity that my sister and I usedRead More ...
Tinker Bell Disney Faries Film: The Secret of the Wings {A Giveaway}
Before my daughter Sofía was born, I didn’t know who Tinker Bell was. Sad, but true! Now, life, some three years late and I feel like I am a Tinker Bell experta! So when I was asked to write a review of the newest Tinker Bell Disney Fairies Films, “The Secret of the Wings” or en Español, “El Secreto de las Hadas”, recently released in Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, DVD and Digital on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, I jumped at theRead More ...
Reading and Your SpanglishBaby
After listening to a podcast of The Parent’s Journal with Bobbie Conner and her guest Tracey Wood (July 16, 2012), a children’s reading specialist, I realized I needed to stop dragging my pies and begin to investigate how to implicitly teach Sofía to read. Yes, she’s only three-years-old, but really the reading process begins at birth (if not before) by constantly reading, rhyming, singing, reading, reading, and reading to our bebés. There are also many studies that indicated that children, who learnRead More ...