A while back I wrote about my daughter Vanessa having a hard time pronouncing the letter R. She’s gotten better at it, but now it’s her 4-year-old brother’s turn to learn how to roll his R’s and she’s doing a great job teaching him. He still has ways to go, but as with my daughter, I’m not really worried about it because typically Spanish speaking children don’t learn to do it until they’re between 5 and 7 years old.
I helped Vanessa learn how to roll her R’s using rhymes and tongue twisters, and a few days ago I promised her I would look for more so that we could use them with her little brother. Check out some of the news I found…
But first, let me share some advice from one of our very own experts, Ellen Stubbe Kester, Ph.D, CCS-LLP, a bilingual speech language professional, who suggested the following to one of our readers a few years back regarding her daughter’s trouble rolling her R’s:
The trilled R is a D sound with the tip of the tongue moving. Try these drills:
The syllable level:
The word level:
Here are the new rhymes and tongue twisters I found that are perfect to teach kids to roll their R’s.
- Por la calle de Carretas
pasaba un perrito;
pasó una carreta y
le pisó el rabito.
¡Pobre perrito,
cómo lloraba
por su rabito!
- El burrito barrigón
ayer se dio un resbalón
por andar detrás de un carro
se cayó dentro del barro
¡Qué burrito picarón
el burrito barrigón!
- Corre que te corre,
corre sin parar.
Corre, corre, corre,
que si tú no corres
¡seguro te atraparán!
TRABALENGUAS (or Tongue Twisters)
- El perro de San Roque no tiene rabo
porque Ramón Rodríguez se lo ha robado
- Un burro comía berros
y el perro se los robó,
el burro lanzó un rebuzno
y el perro al barro cayó.
Awesome. Totally using this in my classroom! 2nd graders to practice their r
When my daughter was 9 or 10 months old, she was in an English-only nursery two days a week. She started rolling Rs during nursery time. What was even more hysterical was when the English-only older kids tried to imitate her. The teacher asked them to stop because they were spitting everywhere.
Phonemic awareness is the ability to identify the individual sounds, known as phonemes, which make up words. Phonics is the ability to link the individual sounds in words, or phonemes, to individual letters – what is also known as the alphabetic principle. Both phonemic awareness and phonics skills can be developed through word games, rhymes, language play and other activities that develop skills with words, syllables and phonemes.
Loved this post, especially how you tied in the previous articles and the “expert” advice. ¡gracias!
Thank you / gracias Roxana for the wonderful tongue twisters and added expert advice. I will use these with my tutor kids…they are going to LOVE it! I had them pretending to ride on the ride on motorcycles out in the play yard and “start their engines!”
These rhymes and trabalenguas will be excelente to incorporate.
My 7 year old is fluent in English/Spanish, but when family visited recently from Colombia they commented on how she doesn’t roll her Rs. Thanks for the great tips! We will definitely put them to use.
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