31 Days of Reading in Spanish: Dita y Dito Van a la Librería - SpanglishBaby.com

Editor’s note: We continue with our 31 Days of Reading in Spanish. Check out the book review below and don’t forget to enter our weekly GIVEAWAY of $100 worth of books in Spanish!


Dita y Dito Van a la Librería is one in a series of books by Maria Gutierrez Serna featuring cute sister and brother piggies, Dita and Dito. We get a giggle out of pigs… so this book is one of our favoritos!

In the story, Dita y Dito’s parents take them to a book store for story time. Listening to the story stimulates Dita and Dito’s imagination and results in their parents purchasing the book to read together as a family at home.

After reading the book to my daughter Sofía, I was also able to open-up conversations about cultural norms; e.g., applauding to say “gracias” at the end of a presentation. My favorite, however, is when Dita and Dito’s parents purchase the book; it is wrapped in pretty paper just like in many tiendas in Spanish-speaking countries.

There are a few other things I like about the Dita y Dito books. The size of the books is perfect for little hands. The pages are thick and as highlighted on the back cover — washable! Each book corresponds with a different day of the week. Dita and Dito go to the librería on a sabádo.

No Spanish-language bookshelf is complete without Dita y Dito!

31 Days Of Reading in SpanishBOOK DETAILS:

Title: Dita y Dito Van a la Librería

Author: Mónica Gutiérrez Serna

Age group: 2-4

Publisher/Year: Ediciones SM/ Febrero de 2007

ISBN: 978-8467507867

Price: $11.04 at Barnes & Nobles


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