music with sara

Sara, from Music With Sara CDs and classes, was my girl´s first maestra de música and she´s left an imprint on her. Before she released her first CD, Sara used to go every other week to the family daycare my girl used to attend to sing canciones en español with them. Needless to say, it was my girl´s favorite thing to do!

It´s been over a year and a half since my girl has sung with Sara live, but we do it daily in the car to the tune of her latest CD. And every single time she hears it, my little drama queen pouts: “Extraño mucho a Sara”.

So, I am very excited that Sara is back in action and will be having Saturday classes we can actually go to! But, I need your help. Sara needs at lest 10 kids to sign up to be able to hold the classes at the Yoga at the Village studio in Glendale, CA. My girl wants this so much and I want to meet so many of you so much, that I thought it would be amazing if we could have a SpanglishBaby meet-up of sorts every Saturday and sing-a-long together with our niños en español!

If you´re interested, head over to the Music With Sara blog and find out all the details to sign up. You don’t even need to commit to the full 8-week session since she offers drop-in rates as well. ¡Vamos!


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