
This Is My Mexico…The Real One {Video}

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My Mexico Today Ana Flores Spanglishbaby

Remember that amazing trip to Oaxaca I went on to kick off the Mexico Today campaign?

Many amazing things happened while there, and one of them was that there was a video crew interviewing some of the Ambassadors about our favorite things and places in Mexico. Since we happened to be in one of my two most-loved spots of all: Oaxaca (the other being Riviera Maya), it felt completely natural for me to speak my heart out in front of the camera and share what My Mexico was all about.

This was three months ago, so I was so surprised when I found out the spots were already on the Mexico Today YouTube channel!

There are spots featuring the various Ambassadors {whom I now call “amigos”} touching upon various of the different things that make Mexico so special for all of us: food, beauty, beaches, eco tourism, and even Mexican markets.

And then there´s this….My Mexico…my ode to Mexico…


I´m so proud to show this video because it´s a true testament of my commitment to Mexico Today, fueled by the real passion to my beloved adopted country.

And now, I invite you to share your own Mexico stories, or even just an interesting link about the country that you found online , on the new Mexico Today Social Magazine. Your submission will not only be a contribution to the positive stories about Mexico that are being aggregated, but, as a bonus, you will also get the chance to win a $500 gift card. Maybe that could be put to good use for a plane ticket for your next trip to Mexico?

Share: If you are from Mexico or have been there, what is your version of My Mexico?

 Disclosure: I am being compensated for my work in creating and managing content as a Community Manager for the México Today Program.  All stories, opinions and passion for all things México shared here  and everywhere are completely my own.

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