Ford and General Mills Box Tops If you’re looking for new ways to help your child’s school earn money, listen to this and pass it on. Ford Motor Company and General Mills are partnering to provide additional funding to schools through the  Box Tops for Education program. As we’ve shared with you before there are a couple of different ways to redeem money for your kids school through the Box Tops program, it’s not just about those cereal boxes anymore.

So how exactly are Ford and General Mills going to help our schools now? Starting today, Ford, which is the first automotive company to ever be part of the Box Tops program, is kicking-off a two-month program, through which we can earn and collect Box Tops for our kids schools in three new ways.

1. We can request a brochure from the official Ford/BTFE program website

2. We can watch product videos on the program website

3. Purchase a Ford vehicle at a dealership during October and November of this year

In exchange for completing one or more of those tasks Ford will provide sweepstakes winners with eBoxTops, which will be automatically credited to the school of their choice.We can all do a little something that can go a long way for the bettering of our children’s education.

In addition to that, five 10,000 Box Top prizes worth $1,000 and one 200,000 Box Tops prize worth $20,000 will be given to the BTFE-eligible school of the winner’s choice at the end of the of the two-month “Ford Drives Box Tops” Sweepstakes! The schools will be able to use the money in any way they choose.

And that’s it! Let’s help our kids get everything they need this school year.


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