About: Becky

Becky Morales is a mom to 4 bilingual, multicultural, active kids ages 4-7; she and her husband are doing their best to raise them as compassionate world citizens, and lifelong learners. She founded kidworldcitizen.org, where parents and teachers can find global activities to do at home that help enrich little minds. In her free time loves to cook and travel and is a wannabe triathlete.


Twitter: kidworldcitizen

Celebrating Las Posadas: From Mexico to the US

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  Passing on cultural traditions (both Mexican and US) to our children is extremely important to my husband and I: language, food, celebrations and religion are four significant areas that we try to integrate into our lives. Not only does it help them identify with both the English and Spanish communities, but these daily and special occasions strengthen the bond we have within our family, instill pride in their heritage and increase their language competence. When my husband was growingRead More ...

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Un Árbol de Gratitud

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The very first Thanksgiving my husband and I spent together, was only three months after we had met and started dating.What a valiant boyfriend, to accept an invitation home to meet my family on one of my family’s favorite holidays! This intimidating family feast included 60 of my aunts, uncles and cousins in an animated sit-down dinner. As Toño followed the boisterous conversations, he may not have captured all of the English — but the warm hugs and laughter gaveRead More ...

How We Teach our Kids about Día de los Muertos

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Every year when we open up our box of Halloween pumpkins, ghosts, spiders and bats, we also take out the Día de los Muertos skulls and skeletons we pack in the same box. The day before trick-or-treating, we set up our ofrenda: a memorial or altar that pays tribute to family members and friends who have died. The ofrenda is a collection of treasures, pictures, food, special items and candles to remind the families of their loved ones. Learning aboutRead More ...

How to Foster Relationships Between Our Bilingual Kids & Relatives Far Away

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When my daughter was 3, she would point at the screen of my laptop every time I had it open and demand to talk to “-ita!” (her abuelita). Used to Skyping with our relatives in Mexico, she thought “–ita” was always there, waiting to talk to her. Lucky for us, technology makes the world seem smaller and helps families create loving bonds with their long distance relatives, even when we can’t be together in person. When I was growing up,Read More ...

Oral Tradition: Why All Bilingual Kids Need Cuentos, Leyendas and Refranes

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On any given night, you will find my husband, Toño, narrating leyendas and mitos to our four children before putting them to bed: the history of the escudo on the Mexican flag, the story of the hare outsmarting the coyote, stories from the Bible, or even Aesop’s fables. La llorona, David and Goliath, and Juan Diego and la Vírgen de Guadalupe trump Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood when Papi tells — and acts out — these traditional stories. InsteadRead More ...

How Learning About Other Cultures Can Teach Our Kids Empathy

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My 7-year-old daughter sat at the base of the slide, letting the other kids run by, and watching as they laughed and played. Some older boys got a little too close and she asked them to be careful with their ball: “Please- you’ll scare her…. she’s protecting her babies.” Vivi took her self-appointed position of bodyguard seriously; she wasn’t going to let anyone near the mother duck, who had unfortunately chosen the base of the stairs to lay her eggs.Read More ...

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