Scroll down to find out how to win these prizes!
Today we start a much-deserved, week-long celebration of SpanglishBaby Dads y Papás. We celebrate our dads, our abuelos, our husbands, the tíos, basically any and every man that has played that all-important Father role in our lives.
Joining our celebration and helping us shower Dads with appreciation with a very cool giveaway are Hanes and Boost Mobile.
One SpanglishBaby reader will get to make one man in her life comfortable with the following clothing classics and essentials, courtesy of Hanes:
- Hanes Classics Men’s ComfortSoft® TAGLESS® Crewneck
- Hanes Plaid Woven Boxers with Comfort Flex Waistband
- Hanes Men’s Cushion Low Cut Socks, 10 pack
Not only will this man be dressed in pure comfort, he will also be connected with one of the newest smartphones in the market: the Samsung Galaxy Prevail from Boost Mobile. This stylish phone boasts both a still and a video camera, apps from the Android Market, a 3.2 in touchscreen, and a review of “Very Good” from CNET.com. With a retail price of $179.99 and a no-contract-commitment monthly payment on the Boost mobile network, this is a gift to impress!
The Giveaway
This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winner: Ferriz and to her dad for this awesome prize!
One winner will receive a prize with all the items mentioned, and pictured, above from Hanes and Boost Mobile, valued at $214.99 USD. To enter all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us who this gift is for AND why he needs to be comfortable and connected (even if that man is you, since we have a tons of Dads regularly visiting this site!).
That’s all you have to do to enter this giveaway. If you want to up your chances at winning, this is how you can get additional entries (only after you’ve completed the step above):
**Please leave a separate comment for each so we can count them and avoid mistakes.
1. Subscribe to receive blog updates and subscriber-only content via email and leave us an extra comment letting us know you did so or that you’re already a subscriber. Make sure to leave the comment using the same email you subscribed with.
2. Follow us on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway including a link to the post and @SpanglishBaby, @HanesComfort and @BoostMobile. Copy the link to the tweet in an additional comment on the giveaway’s post. Sample tweets:
Enter to win a @boostmobile smartphone & @HanesComfort apparel for the Dad in your life thx to @SpanglishBaby http://bit.ly/SBDadsPrize #giveaway
Check out @SpanglishBaby Father’s Day #giveaway of newest @boostmobile smartphone & @HanesComfort apparel (RV $215) http://bit.ly/SBDadsPrize
3. Like SpanglishBaby on Facebook and join a thriving community of parents.
This giveaway ends Sunday, June 19 at midnight PST and is open to everyone over 18 years of age. Check out the Giveaway Rules.
Disclosure: No compensation or products were received directly for this giveaway. We’re just glad to have great relationships with these brands that are generous enough to allow us to bring you the goodies!
This gift would be for my uncle who has been like dad to me. He walked me down the isle at my wedding and spoils my kids like a grandpa does.
He also makes the best BBQ ever!
PS. The cake in a jar. Perfect…(:
This gift would be for my fiance, Chris, who is a terrific father!
This will be for my hubby, Evan. He works hard in construction and needs to relax after a hard day. He is going to be a first time dad in August!
This would be for my husband, Paul. On the outside, he looks like a typical business man. If you were to search his pockets, you would find the world’s oldest functioning flip phone. He can’t even text on it. He’s pretty awesome and deserves to connect with this decade and own a respectable phone.
I am already subscribed to the newsletter.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow and tweeted. Thank you!
If I won, I would give this to my husband Rick. Rick works two jobs to enable me to be a stay at home Mom. Right now, he has an old basic no frill phone and I know that he would love a wonderful phone like this.
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.
I’m a subscriber.
I follow on twitter (peg42) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/peg42/status/80359132879790080
I’m a FB friend (Margaret E. Smith)
i’m an email subscriber
oh sorry my MAIN entry is my hubby deserves this because he works hard, and he’s going to be a dad to be- so he totally deserves this!
i like you on fb courtney bella
For my husband, he is always on the run, so he likes to be comfortable.
This would be for my husband , he is always in need of something new and deserves to be spoiled.
follow and tweeted
facebook follower
melissa n
I could use some new Hanes. My old one are still comfortable, but it’s been so long since I bought any that I probably should. Always Hanes. I could use the phone to yell at my kids for not asking if I needed new Hanes.
My husband is a Hanes boxer man all the way! and none of the kids are nearby, so staying connected is a must.
I subscribed and confirmed via email
I joined you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:
Hanes is my preferred brand & is comfortable.
already “liked” on fb- Spanglish Baby helped enrich the Spanish curriculm at mijita’s school a lot this year! Thanks for some awesome (and fun) ideas to help engage kids in Hispanic culture.
Mi Jefe (esposo) drives trucks overnight, so Hanes comfort is key, and with an awesome new phone, he can keep in touch with us better while he’s on the road!
This would be for my Dad. He works so hard with barely any rest. He even takes out the trash without being asked to. He often doesn’t get anything for Father’s Day because the Summertime is so financially tight for us and I think he deserves it all.
Hi this gift would be to my husband…he works hard allday,even with his uncontrolled diabetes,comes home,spends rtime with me and his kids before he has to go to bed to turn around and do it again the next day..he is an excellent provider who is the most giving,un selfish person in the world who puts his kids needs and wants before his own,and he deserves to be spoiled a little bit for once…thanx
This is for my esposito, he works really hard that way I can stay home with our two boys. He provides for us in all ways; food, roof over our heads, clothing, and most important LOVE us.
I am already an email suscriber. =-)
I am a fan on FB. Cecilia Mendiburu T
My husband deserves this because he stays home during the way to take care of our almost 4 year old daughter who suffers from a Periodic Fever Syndrome while I work. When I get home in the evenings he goes to work. He recently decided to join me in Zumba Fitness classes in order to spend more time with me and to get back in shape. The Hanes give away will make him comfortable while exercising and the phone will allow him to keep connected with me and his family in Texas.
This would be for my husband. The building he works in isn’t air conditioned and he really could use being comfortable after coming home and showering. He also needs to stay connected because he is never at his desk at work.
I’m an email subscriber.
Follow you on Twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/chipdip2010/status/80453851395796992
‘Like’ you on FB – Jill Lear
This would be for my boyfriend. He needs to be comfortable because he has diabetic neuropathy and clothes literally hurt his skin. He needs to be connected because he worries about everybody and likes to stay in touch.
smchester at gmail dot com
I’m an email subscriber.
smchester at gmail dot com
The underwear for my husband and the phone for me
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Follow on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rosannepm/status/80476705432682496
Like Spanglish on Facebook Rosanne M
This is my perfect for my husband Chad who not only is a wonderful father who is so proud of having bilingual children though he doesn’t speak any Spanish…but he just really needs some new boxers and an upgrade on his old school phone.
This gift would be for my boyfriend. He is always running out of underwear so that is why he needs to get more comfortable, and he really needs a new phone.
Not sure if it makes a difference but since everyone else is adding posts to tell you:
I am a facebook follower and subscribe via email!
I am following you and I tweeted this giveaway https://twitter.com/blackbearpie/status/80496323589193728
I like Spanglish Baby on facebook as Michelle L
This would be for my hubby and he needs this because he works hard running two businesses all by himself and rarely gets a break. It would be fun to him to get a little break!
These would be for my Awesome Hubby. he would rock in Hanes . they are the most comfortable undershorts for him especially for working in and it helps that he looks awesome in the.
must confess I want that Boost Mobile phone for my self but I swear I’ll let him make calls on it
Nightowlmamablogs at gmail dot com
following you all on twitter @Nightowlmama
This would be for both my sons. One would get the Hanes items because he is picky about what he wears and loves to be comfortable and the phone for my other son because his phone is very old with outdated technology and he’s been wanting a new one to stay connected with the family.
Following you on twitter (clc408)
Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
The phone is for me. I need to be connected to keep in touch with relatives.
Like SpanglishBaby on FB.
I would give this to my hubby who will only wear Hanes! He needs to be comfortable because he coaches soccer and needs to be able to move around. Thanks for the great giveaway! Thanks!
msjem2001 at yahoo dot com
like Spanglish baby on facebook
tricia nightowlmama
This would definitely be for my man, he has had a bad year. Hit by someone going 70 MPH talking on a cell and blowing through a red light. t-boned his car, injured him and he is now permanently disabled. Had to give up all three of his businesses. he’s not a man who likes to do nothing. A little comfort and a way to feel connected would give him something to smile about.
I already subscribe by email (peaceloveandpetsblog@gmail.com)
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/eyzofblu63/status/80663480721608704
I like you on Facebook (Nadine E Larsen)
This gift would be for my husband – the best dad ever. He always stays connected to me and the kids but has an old flip phone and needs to upgrade to the 21st century.
He works in a very hot place so it really helps to have comfy clothes on. He is also the boss and he needs to be able to be in touch with his workers. They are constantly calling, texting or emailing him. Thank you!
This would be for my husband. My husband has holes in his socks and I can never find a matching pair after doing the laundry! He is a tech freak too, so I know he would love to replace his phone with an up to date one!
For my hubby. He needs this because his work clothes are always stiff and scratchy so when he comes home he needs to be comfortable.
Thanks for the chance.
This would be great for my husband who became a 1st time dad this year. He spoils our daughter so much and calls 20 times a day from work to stay connected to everything that happens during the day! He deserves a gift
My husband will get the gift. He deserves to be comfortable because he is a hard worker who provides for his family and for others by donating time. He needs to be connected so the kids or I can get a hold of him when he is working or volunterring.
If my father was still on this earth, he would get this wonderful prize. The next best man in my life is my husband. He works so hard to provide for us and loves us unconditionally. He is amazing not only does he love to serve his family, but is always looking for thing to do and help out others in need. He is an amazing guy.
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I follow on Twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/yourpotofgold/status/80762920870490112
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This would be for my father…he is 68 and needs to get into the 21st century.. Thanks for the contest and good luck to everyone.
I sub to email
my spouse that works very hard to provide and is awesome –we’ve been married 18 years and so lucky!
email subscriber thanks!!:)
This gift would be for my husband who is my best friend, He works hard to porvide for the family and deserves the best.
I follow Spanglish baby on FB as charline stanley
This would be for my husband who deserves this because he works so many hours
This would go to my lovely husband. he deserves to be comfortable and connected at the same time since he’s a huge techy dad.
I subscribed to your email updates.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/NewYorkChica/status/81011055928672256
Well, my dad left when i was 9 years old so it wouldn’t be for him! But i would love to give this to my father-in-law. He really does treat me like his daughter, and i love him so much for that! He needs to be comfortable and connected while he’s at work. He works outside and it’s starting to get hot, so i’m sure the Hanes would be perfect for him.
aeris321 at gmail dot com
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aeris321 at gmail dot com
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aeris321 at gmail dot com
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aeris321 at gmail dot com
Dad. He is on the road a lot, but needs to keep in touch with everything going on at the main office. He is semi-connected now, but being able to read emails would be a huge help. As far as comfort, when he gets where he is going he is doing on site vehicle repairs, so he deserves a bit of comfort after the hard road.
i would give this to my son in law he works so very hard and never asks for anything he’s truly a great guy
im a facebook fan
I am a subscriber!
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/annedoggett/status/81506042059558912
I am entering this contest for my husband. He needs the Hanes clothing to help him relax when he gets home from work.
The hanes would be for me, since my clothes are all from 1994 and falling apart. The phone I would give to my dad, who has a phone from 1994 (well, not really, but it is old) and I know he would benefit from this. He has a hard time keeping in touch with the rest of the family so I would like to make connecting as easy as possible for him. I know he would enjoy it. And enjoy seeing me in a new shirt.
hmcnaron at gmail
I like spanglish baby on facebook! A marie hj saver is my fb name.
thank you
This gift would be for my hard working husband who really needs to be comfortable and connected at work. At the moment he has to keep his phone plugged almost all the time for it to work! He is our sole provider and works long hours so I can be a full time mom, he deserves the best!
I subscribed.
This gift would be for me. I need to be comfortable in Hanes so I can get work done and I need to be connected for important phone calls.
I’d like to win for my husband. We only have the most basic of cell phone plans and it would be fun to give him an upgrade for Father’s Day!
I follow you on Twitter @shellehall and tweeted about the giveaway
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This gift would be for me. My daughter is mad at me now because she said I embarressed her in front of her friends because I called her “my baby” else she would be writing this. And I need to stay connected so I can stay in touch with her.
And to add I can’t afford a new phone because I am still paying off my credit cards for all those Christmas, Birthday, that expensive college, books, pictures, clothes, those $200.00 sneakers she had to have, and more.
this would be for my dad. he just retired so he can have a nice phone (he worked construction). actually, today he was complaining about his ancient flip phone and how he needed a new one but couldnt afford the extra monthly fees because he is on a fixed income now. he could really use this.
twitter follower @xferriza2
grr, i meant fb fan: xferriza2 (Danielle b) it is 2am. my bad.
tweeted @xferriza2
email sub:
this gift is for my dad! he needs comfort! he works so hard – and non-stop! a little comfort will do him good!
this would be for my husband who works in roadside service.he could use this because he spends a lot of time in the car driving from job to job and could use the cell phone so he never misses a job
this would be for my husband who has put up “with me’ through 28 years of marriage
email subscriber
like u on fb Julie Scott Laws
again thank u
me, i need a cel phone for when i’m out and about and pray my car doesn’t croak yet again and stranded (yet again)
This would be great for my hubby. He works hard, has still found time to get in better shape, and he loves gadgets! This is right up his alley!
It would be for my husband!!
The prize would be for Dad, I think he should be confortable for the hard work he does for us
I subscribe via email
Also for my husband. He needs some new style and the budget is very tight.
ky2here at msn dot com
Like SpanglishBaby FB as kyhere here.
ky2here at msn dot com
Twitter follower ky2here1, http://twitter.com/#!/ky2here1/status/82259477344174081
ky2here at msn dot com
This would be for my husband, we have prepaid phones right now and this would be amazing, he has commented on how he would like to have a smartphone. agatewood1@ymail.com
following all on twitter @shuggysmommy http://twitter.com/#!/shuggysmommy/status/82260649052344320
I would love to win for my husband. He works hard as his regular job and has been going and helping his friend keep his business going. His friend’s hip has given out and he faces a long recovery. Hubby doesn’t want him to worry about his handyman business while he’s recovering.
I’m a subscriber.
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted- http://twitter.com/ksh123/status/82287910409355264
This would be for my husband because he is a hard working dad of 6.
my shorts and socks have too many holes in them, time for new ones
my hubby just graduated welding school and got his first welding job, when gets home from a hard day at work he needs to be comfortable and connected!
This would be for my husband who is the worlds best stepfather- he took on 4 girls as his own and always does without so they can have- he doesn’t even have a basic cell phone so you can see why it would be a faboo gift for him.
Subscriber (this email)
This would be for George, Chad Elliotts father.
I have subscribed
I want that phone for myself haha. The Hanes items I might give to a friend or relative! I think its important for anyone to be comfortable and connected – if you aren’t comfortable you’ll be worrying about that then about more important things!
I’d give this too my boyfriend.. He could use some new clothes.. and he shares his cellphone regularly with his family.. It’d be nice for him to have one of his own.
I like you on facebook.:3
Facebook: Kendra Clover
for my husband,he could use an upgrade and totally deserves it,father of 2 and another on August
fb fan
This is for my husband. He needs to be comfortable and connected since he works away from home.
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
I would give the phone to my wife. She doesn’t see too well and the sharp color screen would be perfect for her.
This would be for my hard working hubby. He is self employed, works on our home to fix it up, takes care of the chickens, ducks, and goats, and does yardwork and works on the cars. He has a phone and I do not, but if he would win, he could have the new phone (and he was saying he would like a new one) and I could take the old one. He does need one for clients for when he is out.
spcale at yahoo dot com.
I just subscribed!
spcale at yahoo dot com.
Follow and tweet http://twitter.com/#!/dresdenrain/status/82615339044712448
spcale at yahoo dot com.
I would like to win this for my hubby, Nick. He has a very old cell phone.
This gift would be for my husband and he needs to be comfortable and connected because he works all the time and has me and four children to deal with.
The Hanes clothes would be for me, as instead of underwear for Father’s Day, the usual gift, I got coffee, the other staple gift. I’m pretty easy to shop for.
this would be for my son who is a new dad of twin girl, he works full time and is working on his degree as well, so he deserves to be comfortable!
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
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jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
i Follow you on Twitter as carolinamosaic and tweeted
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
i Like SpanglishBaby on fb as mary gardner
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
I’d like this because if I’m more comfy and connected I can make more time for my family
for my husband cause he hates to get himself anything
This would be for my son who is a disabled single dad raising his 2 little kids. He really needs to be comfortable to relax and a new phone would be great to replace his old beat up one because he diffently needs to be connected in case he needs help.
email subscriber
I want to win this for myself. I need a nice phone like this to replace my very simplistic tracfone!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I already subscribe via email
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
This would be for my son. He can no longer work due to disabilities and really deserves a little extra TLC from Mom.
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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rich hicks’
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I’m an email subscriber.
This would be for my husband and he needs to stay connected because he has two kids and he works a lot and they need all the love they can get!
I follow on twitter and tweeted
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I’d love this for my dad who needs to be comfortable and connected so that he can keep up with the times!
I subscribe via email
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justine pierson
This gift would be for my husband. He needs to be comfortable and connected in his job search. He has been unemployed for almost two years.
I subscribed via email.
I like SpanglishBaby on Facebook.