Vanessa with a glass of chicha morada -- Lima, Perú -- Feb. 2011 {© SpanglishBaby Media}
This took me completely by surprise, but as soon as Vanessa tried chicha morada for the first time, she was hooked. Wherever we’d go during our recent trip to Perú, she’d ask for a glass (or two) of this deliciously refreshing Peruvian drink made from maíz morado.
It was surprising because, as a child, whenever someone who knew me well planned on serving chicha, they knew they might as well prepare a separate batch sólo para mi. Such was my love affair with this deep purple drink!
Have you ever tried it?
I love that you did a Wordless Wednesday that wasn´t very wordless! I shall join you next week!!
I don’t think I know the meaning of the word wordless… qué te puedo decir?? Jajajaj!!! Yes, join me!!!
I LOVED the chicha icies that we made. To this day one of my favorites too! Thanks for the flashback to my childhood!
Ay, Jennifer, nosotros también hacíamos icies. Los llamabamos adoquines porque eso es lo que parecían!!!
I’ve never tried it, and honestly the thought of a drink made from corn doesn’t excite me – but your princesa makes it look so good that I’d be willing to take a sip
You’ve no idea what you’re missing! I think you’d love it!!! Maíz morado is not just any old corn…. If you ever have the chance to go to a Peruvian restaurant, find out if they serve it and get it, but ONLY if they make it from scratch. (The artificial version doesn’t work, even though that’s what I had to bring from over there to appease my daughter, but at least she’s tried the REAL thing too!)
Wow, interesting drink Rox! We have the regular chicha (made from arroz, like horchata but thick), what does this one taste like? So curious!
Chicha made from arroz?? Hmmm.. Never heard of that… La chicha de mi país, regardless of it’s color, is always made from maíz!
In terms of what it tastes like, uff!!! Ay sí que me agarraste! I have nothing to compare it to so I’ve no idea how to describe its flavor… except that it’s delicious and refrescante!! Jajajaj!! Sorry!!
BTW, just yesterday, Vanessa was asking me to say chicha morada in English because she took some in her loncherita and wanted to tell her little friend what it was. Since she couldn’t figure it out, she just said it was grape juice!! Jajaja!!!
I’ll have to try it one day!!!
Never had it, but honestly, it sounds great! I add corn to just about anything and I’ve never had a drink made from it…sounds fabulous! I’ll definitely be looking into a recipe for this one!
My kids love the stuff too!!! When we were visiting they’d finished the glass before their food got to the table!