31 Days of Reading in Spanish

Editor’s note: We continue with our 31 Days of Reading in Spanish. Check out the book review below and don’t forget to enter our weekly GIVEAWAY of $100 worth of books in Spanish! This is the last week, so you have until July 31 to enter.


There are so many good things to say about the series of books written by Peruvian sisters Andrea and Claudia Paz that I truly don’t know where to begin. For starters, not only do they write and illustrate their children’s books, but they also musicalize them together with their brother Cristobal. They are true treat for kids and grownups alike!

All the books in the Chimoc series revolve around the title character, a Peruvian hairless dog, and a bunch of his animal friends. In Chimoc en Machu Picchu, the authors take kids on a tour of majestic Machu Picchu by telling a story about the importance of caring for our environment. Little ones will love the detailed illustrations and each book contains additional info at the end so that you can further discuss the topic of the story with your kids.

My favorite part of the series are the CDs, which not only include the narration of the story by one of the sisters, but also songs that were written specifically for each story and are super catchy. Unfortunately, these books are not available in the United States, but we’re including this one and Chimoc, el perro calato (the first one in the series) in our giveaway so be sure to enter!

31 Days Of Reading in SpanishBOOK DETAILS

Title: Chimoc en Machu Picchu

Authors/Illustrators: Andrea y Claudia Paz

Ages: all

Publisher/Year: Editorial Norma/2011

Website: Chimoc.com



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